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EXPOSED: Kings of Rebellion MC 6 Page 11

  “No, it’s just I haven’t really. It’s always been me and Lewis but that could change in the future.” I smile. “I wouldn’t say no, put it that way.”

  Lauren claps in happiness. “It’s supposed to be a nice day, I was thinking of getting the pool out for the kiddies and putting on a little BBQ later on?”

  “That sounds lovely.” I agree, I need some distraction.

  “I just need to pop out for the food.” Lauren adds but I pass her Franky back as I think he’s due a feed.

  “Don’t be daft, Scrappy and I will go and get the food.” I quickly offer.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yeah, I need to get out for a little bit. As much as I love this place, I need some air.” I crave to be outside of these clubhouse walls.

  Lauren laughs. “Don’t worry, I get it. Believe me. One day I’ll tell you all about it.” She winks.

  I send Scrappy a text, telling him we’re going out and he needs to come and find me. I know he’s not on a job and is just hanging around with some of the members, or most likely out in the yard tinkering with his bike and showing off. All the men seem to do that. It’s like their motorcycles reflect their dick size.

  “Do you think Scrappy will agree?” Lauren asks with a knowing smirk.

  “He better.” I sulk. “Because I need some different scenery.”

  It doesn’t take long for Scrappy to come and find me, he doesn’t look too happy that I volunteered us both for the food shop, but I need to get out of here.

  “I can’t let you out.” Scrappy groans. “It’s not safe.”

  “Scrappy.” I moan loudly. “I need to get out! I’m not taking no for an answer, get your car keys because we’re going.”

  I stare Scrappy in the eye, my arms crossed and I will not move. Scrappy needs to know I’m serious.

  “Fine.” He sighs and I can’t help but smile. I love it when I win.

  I go to collect my bag, arranging to meet Scrappy at the car but when I get there, he’s not alone. Lewis is in the back in his car seat. I look to Scrappy and he shrugs. “I couldn’t say no.”

  “So I have to put up an argument, but Lewis just has to stomp his foot?” I get into the passenger seat and buckle up. “You need to stop being so soft.”

  “I’ve got a few more weeks left of spoiling him first.” Scrappy smirks.

  It’s nice to even ride around in the car for a bit, just having the window down and the wind hitting me in the face on a gorgeous summer day. The playing in the car and the three of us dancing and singing along. It’s nice and I just wish we could do this a little more. I’ll look forward to more of this when my dad and his friends have been sorted out.

  We pull up at the supermarket, even Lewis is excited to do something as normal and boring as food shopping because both of us haven’t really been out of the clubhouse. Poor little guy skips about as we walk inside and Scrappy gives into Lewis’ every need and lets him buy all the chocolates and sweets he sees.

  “They’re for all the other kids too Lewis.” I point out to him and Lewis gives me a look that is totally his fathers. Scrappy does exactly the same expression when he nods along with what I’m saying but he has other ideas. In other words, Lewis is nodding along but he wants to eat all the goodies and keep them to himself. Lewis is definitely his father’s son.

  On the way back to the clubhouse, the car full of food, we near the house Lewis and I moved in to for about a week. I’m absolutely gutted because I really liked the house.

  “Has the house been sold yet?” I ask Scrappy.

  “No, we still haven’t been in to clear it out yet. Why?”

  “There’s a few things of mine and Lewis’ in there. The last time we were there, we were in a hurry.” I answer, looking out the window.

  “You’re not suggesting that we go to the house are you?” Scrappy asks. “Because I’m going to say no.”

  I roll my eyes, but I already knew he wouldn’t allow it. I’m pushing it because we’re out of the clubhouse already. He does say that he will drive past the house though, as a goodbye to it and that he will go to the house with some members to grab my last things.

  As we pass the house though, Scrappy pulls up outside.

  “What are you doing?” I ask him. “I thought you didn’t want to?”

  “Let’s just say Lewis isn’t the only one I can’t say no to.” He frowns but as he goes to get out of the car, he turns to me. “You stay here.”

  “I can’t come in?” I moan. “How do you know what I need?”

  “Batman shorts!” Yells Lewis and we both look to the back of the car as Lewis shouts again. “I want my batman shorts!”

  “That’s because he knows the pool is coming out.” I mumble. “He likes to wear his batman shorts in the pool.”

  “Seriously?” Scrappy asks, just as Lewis yells about his batman shorts again.

  “You’re the one who can’t say no.” I tease.

  With a loud moan, Scrappy gets Lewis from the car and I take that as my que to get out of the car and follow. Scrappy places Lewis on the floor and in his excitement, he runs right to the house. It makes me feel sad seeing how excited he is to be back here. Lewis opens the door and runs right in. My blood runs cold.

  “Shit!” Shouts Scrappy and I scream. We go into panic and run after Lewis, into the house. The door shouldn’t be open! It should be fucking locked.

  “Lewis!” I yell, running after my son as fast as I can.

  My worst fears are confirmed when I see my son in the arms of my dad. Who is also holding out a gun towards me.

  “Take another step and I will shoot.”

  “Move away from my son.” I whisper, trying not to sound too scared in front of Lewis.

  Lewis looks up at me, his big dark eyes hitting me right in the heart and I give him a smile. I want to reassure him.

  “He’s my grandson.” My dad squeezes Lewis, as if he loves him and acts like the doting and loving grandfather. “Hey Lewis, I’m your Grandpa.”

  “Grandpa?” Lewis asks, looking around the room.

  “He’s looking for my dad, in case you didn’t know.” Scrappy informs my dad. “Because that’s his Grandpa.”

  My dad doesn’t seem to like that and he glares at Scrappy. “I take it you’re the scum who knocked up my daughter.”

  “The one and only.” Scrappy winks, holding out his hand to Lewis and Lewis steps towards Scrappy but my dad stops him. Lewis looks back at my dad, confused as to why he’s stopping him from going to Scrappy.

  “Let him go dad.” I warn him, in a calming voice.

  “Careful Erica.” My dad smirks. “You don’t want to scare him.”

  “What are you doing?” I ask him. “He’s a child, let him go and we’ll sort this.”

  My dad laughs. “You think I’m stupid? As soon as I let this boy go, your man there is going to put a bullet in my head.”

  “Damn fucking right.” Scrappy adds quietly.

  “Why are you doing this dad?” I ask him.

  “I want my money.”

  “My money.” I correct him. “Mums money that she gave me, not you.”

  “That money should be mine.” He growls.

  “So you faked your death to get it.” I shake my head.

  “Why are you here Robert?” Scrappy asks him.

  “To get my money, my good friend Tony told me all about your visit so I thought I’d take a visit to my daughter’s house, but I see she’s been living it up at the clubhouse.” He laughs. “Very classy Erica, your mother will be proud.”

  “Don’t you talk about her.” I snap, Scrappy places his hand on me as my dad tilts the gun towards Lewis with my step forward. A warning.

  “Did you hurt Tony?” Scrappy asks and my dad grins in return.

  “Only what you did to my friends.” My dad returns and I look to Scrappy in question.

  “We tracked down all of his pals who were helping him torment you.” And I take it they didn’t just sit down
and talk, but I’m not ashamed to admit I don’t care what happened to them. They didn’t care enough about me, so why should I bother?

  “So here’s what’s going to happen.” My dad continues. His face looking dead sure and cocky while his gun is aimed at my son. How fucking dare he. I will personally see to it he gets his karma for doing this. “You’re going to give me the money and I’ll never see you again, you can live your perfect biker life without ever seeing or hearing from me again.”

  “Sounds perfect.” I glare across at him.

  “Now, I have another plan.” Scrappy interrupts and out of nowhere, he yells for Lewis. “NOW!”

  I’m stunned, I don’t know what’s happening but I watch dumbfounded as my son takes the signal from Scrappy and stomps down on my dad’s foot. Lewis growls as he lands his foot and my dad yelps out in pain. My dad releases his hold of Lewis and makes a run toward me.

  “Go!” Scrappy yells.

  “Come on mum!” Lewis shouts, taking my hand and leading me outside.

  I can’t believe this is happening. As I run back out the front door with Lewis’ hand in mine, I glance back to see a furious Scrappy running over to my dad, knocking him down to the floor. I just see a fight for the gun as I reach outside and I can no longer see anything else but I hear the loud rumbling of motorcycles as the Kings men arrive just in time.

  “Daddy called them.” Lewis beams.

  The bikes quickly pull up all around us, men shield Lewis and me, ushering us away from the house as Grim and others are about to run inside, when the ear piercing sound of a gunshot is heard. All the air escapes my lungs and I make a run towards the house but Baby’s arms come wrapping around me, stopping me from getting any closer.

  “No!” I scream.

  There’s a possibility that could have been Scrappy. He could be lying on the ground, shot dead. I need to get to him to see if he’s ok, but I can’t make it past Baby. Tears stream down my face and my legs eventually give out. I fall to the floor, sobbing taking over my body as I crumble.

  “Get them out of here.” I hear Grim over my crying, arms pick me up and carry me into Scrappy’s car. Lewis is put in beside me and I watch through the window as Grim and the others run inside the house but I don’t see anything else because the prospect is driving away, taking me and Lewis back to the clubhouse, but I want to see if Scrappy is safe.

  I look over at Lewis, his own eyes covered in tears as he watches out the window. This sobers me slightly and I wrap my arms around him, bringing him close as we suffer together. Lewis cries in my arms and I control mine in order to be his strength.

  He can’t be dead.

  Scrappy cannot be dead.

  Chapter Fifteen


  I hold my son as we arrive at the compound. I’m completely numb, but I’m able to be here for my child. I hold him securely and let him know he’s safe. The MC has all the men now that were troubling us, so we have no more danger lurking around the corner but right now I couldn’t care. I want to know how Scrappy is and no matter how much I ask the prospect, he doesn’t know either.

  As soon as I step from the car, Lauren and the others run out to me. I cry in Lauren’s arms as Elise picks up Lewis and whisks him away, probably to play with Madison and Connor. I don’t want him to see me like this, but at the same time I don’t want him out of my sight.

  “Do you know if he’s alive?” I ask Lauren and she pulls me back, looking at my red blotchy face.

  “No hunny, I don’t.” She smooths my hair from my wet face. “We only know that Grim got a call when you arrived at the house, we could hear everything that was being said.”

  So Scrappy secretly called Grim and let him listen in on what was being said inside the house, so he knew we were in danger. Clever man.

  “There was a gunshot.” I cry. “And I don’t know who it was.”

  I cry some more and the girls lead me inside. Scrappy’s mum is there, holding Lewis as he cries but when he sees me, Lewis runs up to me and I hold out my arms, welcoming him and squeezing him tightly as he lets out his tears. Seeing him like this breaks me even more.

  I feel like everyone is looking at me. That they want to comfort me but just don’t know what to do or say.

  Drew takes a seat beside me, she doesn’t say anything but let’s me rest my head on her and it means everything to me. Silent tears fall down my face as the clubhouse stands still. Lewis begins to breathe heavy and I notice that he’s cried so much, he’s exhausted himself. I hold him protectively as he sleeps. I keep seeing him in my dad’s arms with the gun pointed at him. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to shake that image from my head.

  Sobs shake my body from the after effects of crying so much. My face feels sticky and sore and my eyes begin to feel heavy. Much like Lewis’.

  The rumbling of motorcycles alerts us to the return of the men and immediately become alert. I carefully place Lewis down on the sofa.

  “Go, I’ll watch him.” Drew offers and I thank her, running to the clubhouse doors and looking around to see if I can spot Scrappy.

  I see everyone else, but not Scrappy. I hate the sympathetic and sad looks that the men all flash at me. It makes this all worse. Was it Scrappy? Could it have been him who was shot?

  I stand in the doorway, looking out for him but I come up empty. I can’t take it anymore and my eyes fall to the floor and my tears return.

  “Erica.” Elise whispers beside me and I look up, noticing Scrappy walking across the courtyard. He grins at me and my tears return. I make a run towards him, as fast as I possibly can and as his arms open wide, I jump right into them. I cling tightly to him, sobbing in his arms.

  “You didn’t think I was dead, did you?” He asks.

  “Yes.” I cry. “I thought I had lost you.”

  “Never.” Scrappy answers, kissing along the side of my neck. “You’re safe now.”

  “I love you.” I whisper against him and I feel him freeze. I’m about to panic when he settles me down on my feet and grabs my face, kissing me harshly and pulling back, his eyes wild.

  “I love you too.” He kisses me again.

  “Come on.” I lead him towards the clubhouse. “Your son needs to see you.”

  As we enter the clubhouse, I tell him how upset Lewis was and Scrappy hurries his feet when he hears how badly his son reacted. I stay close to him, not ready to be away from him just yet. Lewis is still sleeping when we approach the sofa he sleeps on. Drew flashes me a relieved smile when she sees Scrappy is ok but Scrappy doesn’t notice because he’s just looking down at his little boy. He gently sits beside him, softly nudging him and as Lewis wakes, he rubs his sore eyes. He whimpers a little, but when he notices his dad sat next to him, he jumps onto his lap and wraps his little arms around his neck. “Daddy!”

  “Hello son.” Scrappy sounds a little emotional as he holds Lewis and the family walks away, giving the three of us some time alone to recover from the past hour.

  We sit together on the sofa, hardly talking but absorbing every moment. Even Lewis is content enough to just sit here together. Probably because he’s still tired from all the crying.

  “So, whose going to explain what happened back at the house?” I ask the two of them and Scrappy looks at me questionably. “The stamping on the foot?”

  “Oh!” He laughs. “Well Grim has been teaching Connor some tricks, just in case and I decided there was no harm and now I’m glad I did.”

  Lewis and Scrappy high five each other and it’s honestly the cutest thing.

  “Me too.” I agree.

  “Oh wait.” Scrappy jumps up. “The food in the car.”

  Through all this drama, we forgot the reason why we were out in the first place. Nobody is practically in the mood to celebrate the good weather, but all this crying has made me hungry. Lauren gets out the pool for the kids, although Lewis doesn’t bother. He wants to stick by his dad and I don’t blame him after what he’s just been through.

  *** />
  Later that night, when Lewis is tucked in bed Scrappy sits me down to talk.

  “I need to tell you something.” He begins.

  “My dad is dead.” I finish for him and Scrappy looks stunned.


  “There was a gunshot, and I saw where the gun was when you were both fighting for it. I knew it had to have killed one of you.” I answer. “That was one of the most scariest moments in my life.”

  Scrappy wraps his arm around me, cuddling me and kissing me. “Love you.”

  “I love you too.” I smile like a fool. “Is it weird how easy this is all now?”

  “No.” Scrappy shakes his head. “Recent events have made us see how much we mean to each other.”

  I nod. I couldn’t agree more.

  “There’s only one more thing.” Scrappy adds. “Will you be my old lady?”

  My heart beats faster and I feel the huge grin painted on my face. “Is it too soon?”

  Scrappy chuckles. “If anything, it’s been too long.”



  Four Years Earlier

  I look across at Scrappy.

  Man he’s so fucking hot, too hot to fucking cope with. I would love to think he’s only with me, but I see the way other girls look at him. I never ask him if he’s faithful because I don’t want to rock the boat or risk pissing him off and losing him.

  I have a huge dilemma though and the more I think about it, the more it hurts me. I’m trapped. I could stay her, in a miserable home to stay with the man I love who may or may not feel the same way as me, or I can run. Start fresh with the new life within me and make a happy home.

  Something hits me and Scrappy laughs.

  “Stop daydreaming.” He chuckles, after throwing another piece of food at me. “Come on, it’s about time we got you home.”

  We stand from out picnic blanket, where we did more than eat on but before I get onto the back of his bike, Scrappy backs me up against a tree and begins to kiss me. I hold back the tears as I pour all of my love for him into the kiss.

  I cling to him as he drives me home, wishing this ride would never end but unfortunately, it does. And that’s life.