EXPOSED: Kings of Rebellion MC 6 Read online

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  Fuck sake this woman doesn’t know when to stop. Bomber must be one patient man. “Elise, leave it.” I warn her, standing and passing her daughter to her. “Keep your nose out of it.”

  I walk away, deciding I don’t like her diving into my business. I know for certain if I stay around her a minute longer she’ll figure it all out. Her nose will be in my business and she’ll be on her romance road to fixing it all. That’s not what I want.

  I make my way to the bar to escape everyone however when I take a seat, I notice Neo is working behind the bar and he’s annoyingly cheerful at the minute. It probably has something to do with the fact that Lydia is sat on the other end of the bar from me, she’s with her friends Miley and Maci. Neo hasn’t done a great job in hiding his desire for Lydia. I think most of the club knows how he feels about her. Everyone apart from Lydia I suspect.

  When he’s finished flirting across the bar, he finally comes over to me, handing me my drink. He knows me so well but I’m not in the mood to compliment him on his bar skills.

  “You should be careful.” I decide to warn him and Neo frowns.

  “What for?”

  “Girls can do a lot more damage than you think.” I sip my beer. “So be careful who you spend your time on.”

  Neo looks over his shoulder at Lydia and then back to me. “You heard something?”

  “No.” I laugh. “It’s just a warning from someone who knows what he’s talking about.”

  Neo watches me for a minute. “You ok Scrap?”

  “Thanks for the drink.” I salute him, raising the bottle of beer before taking another drink.

  He takes the hint and fucks off but he obviously doesn’t take what I said seriously because he’s right back with Lydia. Smiling at her and paying her all sorts of compliments. Lydia soaks it all up, giggling with her pals and Neo plays into her hand. What a stupid fucker.


  The next morning my head is a little sore and I groan as I look across at the beer bottles on the table. I can remember that last night, I was done with everyone’s looks and Neo’s cheery self so I took a load of beers into my room. Talia knocked on my door at one point but I told her to fuck off.

  I feel a little better once I’ve been in the shower and freshened up. I would have stayed in bed because my mood hasn’t really improved but I need food. So I prepare myself to face everyone and leave the seclusion of my room.

  Minding my own business, I eat my food at one of the tables but I can’t ignore the weird feeling of excitement that seems to be floating around the place. I look around, happy that nobody seems to be bothering me because they’re too involved in their own chatter and I’ve even seen a couple of men toasting to a drink. Everyone seems to be in a good mood but me.

  Ryder then walks by and spots me but stops and frowns. “I would have thought you would be at the hospital.”

  Hearing that, my back straightens and worry fills me. “Why? What’s happened?”

  “Calm down.” Ryder laughs, stepping closer. “I can’t believe you haven’t heard yet.”

  “Heard what yet?” I ask, almost becoming impatient.

  “Lauren had the baby early this morning.” He explains as if I’m the dumbest person alive. “You weren’t around last night when we all heard she’d gone into hospital?”

  I stare at him in annoyance. “Does my face look like I knew that?”

  Ryder’s eyes widen. “Oh shit, well yeah. She had another boy, all the family is at the hospital. Bet your mum is looking for you.”

  I bet she fucking is, she will sure be pissed when she sees I’m not there. Elise is sure there, coming up with reasons why I’m not there. Loving every second I bet.

  I quickly finish my food because there’s obviously somewhere else I need to be. I was beginning to feel a little weird, so I’m glad I now know why the men around here are acting a little fucking odd. Someone should have at least rang me, or sent a fucking text to give me a heads up but when I stand to leave, I see that a number of people did try to call me and I’ve even got some messages. A lot of them are from my mum. Fuck!

  Club members try to stop me as I make my way through the clubhouse but I don’t have time to talk because I have shit to do. I obviously missed the announcement last night because I was too busy drinking all alone in my room like a sad fuck.

  I manage to get outside to my bike without snapping too much at my brothers and make my way to the hospital. My thoughts travel to Erica once again as I fly through the roads. I can’t let her fuck me over this much. I was like this before, sad and drunk and I won’t do it again. I can’t let her have such an effect over me. I won’t give her that power any longer.

  When I park up my motorcycle, I give Baby a ring to ask if he’s here and luckily for me, he is. So he meets me at the main entrance.

  “Where the fuck have you been?” He asks as soon as I walk over to him.

  “Don’t fucking ask.” I grumble and Baby guides me through the hospital to where our family is gathered. Whenever there’s a birth it’s a big occasion, just like birthdays and Christmas. Our family makes a big deal about this stuff so I’m expecting grief from my mum when she sees I’m late.

  I hear their excited voices before we turn the corner and I see them all either standing or sat in the little hospital chairs alongside the corridor.

  “Oh here he is!” Elise chimes sarcastically. “Finally.”

  “For god sake.” My mum runs over, wrapping her arms around me. “Honey, where have you been? I’ve tried calling you.”

  “I didn’t know.” I insist. “Ryder told me this morning. My phone’s dead.”

  It’s not. That’s a lie. It’s been on silent. My mother rolls her eyes. “At least you’re here now, Grim’s bringing the baby out soon.” Her face spreads into a wide and excited grin.

  “More like you were too drunk last night and passed out. You weren’t sober enough to hear your phone ringing and now here we are.” Elise comes to stand between me and our mum. “All for a girl.”

  “What?” My mother gasps, her eyes now wide as she looks at me.

  Before Elise can say anything else, I answer instead. “Nothing.” I look right into my mums eyes. “Ignore her, you know what she’s like.” I send Elise a frown but she only smirks back. Looking back to my mum, I try to change the subject. “So, I have another nephew?”

  Grim and I are cousins, but as we’re a close family and I see their children as my nieces and nephews, just like Elise’s kids. It’s just the way we are.

  “Yes.” My mum grins. “I had a sneak peek before you got here, oh he’s just so gorgeous!”

  “When are you going to give mum some grand babies Scrap?” Elise butts in. “Or maybe you just have loads of them scattered around everywhere.”

  “Elise.” Our mum warns her, rolling her eyes and walking away.

  “Why have you always gotta piss me off?” I ask my sister and she giggles.

  “Because you make it so easy.”

  Just then, the doors open and Grim appears, he looks tired but so happy as he holds a small bundle in a white blanket.

  “I thought I’d come and introduce everyone to my second son.” Grim smiles proudly and his mum, Laura follows looking just as proud. She wipes away her happy tears as we all crowd around to have a look at the latest family member. The women all ask about Lauren and I over hear that she’s good but tired. Understandable.

  “Do you have a name?” Asks Drew as she gently strokes the baby with her finger.

  “We do.” Nods Grim, looking back at his mum and then back down to his new son. “He’s named Franky, after his grandad.”

  Everyone falls into stunned silence. A cloud of emotion coating us all.

  “Oh Brandon.” My mum speaks, using Grim’s family name. “That’s so sweet.”

  “Since they both told me, I can’t stop crying.” Laura beams, wiping her eyes again.

  “I think it’s perfect.” Drew smiles down at the baby, a single tear softl
y rolls down her cheek. “Hello little Franky.”

  I have to look away to stop myself from getting too emotional. I’m going from one extreme to the next this morning. When my mum is holding baby Franky, Grim takes the opportunity to come over to me. His brothers, Devlin and Baby join him.

  “How you doing?” Grim asks me.

  “Shouldn’t I be asking you?” I laugh.

  Grim shrugs. “The last I saw of you last night you were sat by yourself drinking beer like it was water.” I feel a little awkward as the three brothers look at me. Grim places his hand on my shoulder. “I don’t wanna make you feel bad Scrap, I just want to check in on you and see how you’re doing. You haven’t been yourself the last few days.”

  Nodding, I decide to not completely lie. “I’ve just been going through some shit, that’s all.”

  “Like what?” Baby asks.

  “Does it have something to do with that girl you ran after the other day?” Asks Devlin.

  “How the fuck do you know about that?”

  Devlin shrugs. “Axel told me.”

  “I’m handling it.” I assure them. I say congratulations to Grim again and decide it’s time to leave the hospital. My head still hurts and I need to get away from Elise’s questioning looks

  During the ride back my mind wonders to Erica again. It seems that’s all I think about lately however, I’m working on not getting so pissed off every time I think of her. I wonder if she’s planning on staying long? I bet she’s staying at her cousin’s place, I dropped her off there a lot of times when we were dating. In fact, her cousin’s place isn’t far from where I am right now.

  I probably shouldn’t, but I head in the direction of Erica’s cousins house. He might not even live there anymore, but it’s worth checking in right? I’m just a friend, wanting to know how she is after so long. What’s wrong with that?

  I pull up in front of the house and reminisce all the times I came here to pick up Erica. She would walk out that door and skip towards me with the most beautiful smile. I stare at the house, thinking this through. Is this stupid?

  Fuck it. It’s worth a try I guess.

  I walk over to the door. I don’t even know if her cousin still lives here! I knock on the door loudly, wondering if it’s going to be him or not. The door opens and the guy just stands there, he knows me and I know him.

  “I told her you would show up here sooner or later.” He grumbles.

  I grin at Erica’s cousin. “Here I am, is she here?”

  “Look man, maybe just go home yeah?” Her cousin sighs.

  “Not until I see Erica.” I simply shrug. “So, she in?”

  I look around him, but I can’t see anyone in the hall. Her cousin then tries to shut the door on me but I act quickly and I’m much stronger. So the door stays open and now I have my answer. Erica is here. Otherwise he wouldn’t be trying to get me to go.

  “Just stop it.” Comes a sigh from the doorway at the end of the hall and out pops Erica. She walks over to her cousin and tells him it’s fine and to give us a minute. We both wait for her cousin to disappear, staring at each other.

  “So I wasn’t imagining seeing you then.”

  Erica sadly smiles, shaking her head. “No.”

  “So, where the fuck have you been?” I can’t help but ask her. “Do you know how fucking worried I was when you just disappeared?”

  “I’m sorry.” Is all she says. “I’ve come back for my dad’s funeral.”

  “Funeral?” I ask in shock.

  Erica nods. “He was in an accident, I’m the only family he has so it’s up to me.”

  “Then you’re going back to where you’ve been hiding.” I guess and Erica nods in answer. “So, where did you go?”

  Erica runs her hands through her long brown hair, her blue eyes looking a little annoyed. “There’s no point in staying is there?”

  “Guess not.” I’m pissed off at her answer but I can’t force her to give me the answer I want.

  Shaking my head, I turn and leave. Sitting back on my motorcycle, I give Erica one last look before putting on my helmet and leaving her standing at the door. I can’t help but look at her reflection in the side mirror as I drive away. I can’t believe she couldn’t answer me a simple fucking question. It’s why I’ve left because I didn’t want to get too angry. I wish she still didn’t have this hold over me.

  When I get back to the clubhouse I still can’t get Erica out of my head so I get changed and head down to the boxing ring. A few rounds in the ring should calm me down. Well that’s what I thought, but I go more rounds than I probably should have and now the men won’t fight me. Probably because I’m tired and still knocking them all out. They’re probably right though because I’m starting to feel a little light headed after all the punches, but I needed it.

  After showering and getting changed though, I’m still annoyed so I return to the bar. I know Baby and Ryder should be back from their security run soon, I’ll wait around for them.

  “Hey loner.” Giggles Talia, coming to sit on the stool beside me.

  I could tell her to go away, but I can’t be bothered and I am feeling a little horny. Erica is beginning to cause me more troubles. Talia stays with me while I drink three bottles, talking shit with Devlin but when he has to go home to Tasha, I’m left alone with Talia again. She grins seductively at me and reaches out, placing her hand over my crotch.

  “Wanna have some fun?” She asks and I think, why the fuck not?

  We walk towards my room when I hear Ryder shout after me. I turn around and grin, “Back later!”

  Talia giggles, wrapping her arm around me. She’s all over me and making herself look like a fool but I’m in the mood for sex and I need to get my mind from Erica.

  “At least we’re alone this time.” Talia smiles.

  “Well if your friends available you can always go and get, you seemed to enjoy yourself last time.”

  Talia doesn’t seem to like that comment. “No, I’d rather it be just me and you.”

  She begins to strip and I sit back and watch. My dick stirs a bit but when I think of what Erica would look like in Talia’s position, my dick hardens. Talia seems to enjoy the sight of my erection through my jeans and gets on all fours, reaching inside and freeing my cock. She groans as she licks the tip, sucking my dick as if her life depends on it. I close my eyes, thinking of Erica with her mouth wrapped around my cock instead. I thrust into Talia’s mouth, holding down her head and fuck her mouth. With Erica in my thoughts, it’s not long until I come and Talia swallows greedily.

  I don’t feel better at all. In fact, because I was thinking of Erica I’m even more pissed. I tell Talia to leave me alone and she’s not too upset seeing as she got her way and had my cock in her mouth. I decide to stay in my room. I’m not in the mood to go back out there and see everyone.

  I can’t keep letting Erica get to me this way.


  The fact that I have to go to my parents today doesn’t sit right with me because Elise is going to be there and I can’t be bothered with her questioning. However, I have to go because I told my mum I would come for Sunday dinner, so here I am stood outside my parents’ house, willing myself to go inside.

  The door opens and Elise stands there with a smug smile. “What are you still doing standing out here?”

  “Why do you look so happy?” I ask her, walking past her into the house.

  Elise closes the door and follows me inside the house. “I don’t know what you mean.”

  I close my eyes in irritation. “Elise I swear I’m not in the mood for this.”

  “That girl got you mad again?” She asks. “Bomber said you were in the boxing ring most of the night before disappearing with Talia again. Mums going to ask where that bruise is from on you cheek.”

  “No she won’t.” I walk away. “I’m only here for the food, so do me a favour and leave me alone.”

  “Wow this girl has really got her nails into you, huh?” Elise walks
around me, heading into the kitchen area ahead of me and joining Bomber at the table.

  My mum is just about dishing up the food onto the plates as I walk in, it smells so fucking good. Madison runs over to me and I pick her up, kissing her on the cheek. Bomber says hi as my dad then walks in. Madison wriggles out my arms, wanting her grandad instead of her uncle Scrappy. I let her down and Madison runs over to my dad who picks her up and swings her around the place.

  I greet my mum, kissing her on the cheek before I take a seat around the table, Elise is stupidly smiling over at me but I ignore her and say hi to Bomber.

  “I can’t believe you slept with her again.” Elise whispers over.

  Bomber looks shocked, looking between me and Elise. “Who?”

  I bury my face in my hands. “Elise.” I warn her.

  “Talia.” She answers Bomber. “He was with her again last night, he needs to stay away from her.”

  I groan as Bomber steps in. “Maybe you shouldn’t get too involved with your brothers business.”

  “Listen to your man.” I snap over at Elise.

  “This girl you’re sulking over obviously means something to you, so leave the whore and do something about the girl.” Elise snaps right back, her voice becoming dangerously louder, but my mum doesn’t seem to have heard her. She’s too busy with the food and talking with my dad.

  “Elise I swear.” I glare at her. “Stop it now.”

  Elise opens her mouth, but I’m glad Bomber steps in again but I swear, I’m ready to go if she carries on. “Elise, leave it now. We’re here for a family dinner and you’re pissing your brother off. If he goes, your mum will be upset.”

  Elise looks to me from the corner of her eye, not happy but she shrugs. “Fine.”

  I nod over to Bomber to tell him thanks and he nods back. My mum begins to plate up, with the help from my dad. Madison takes her place at the table and my mum places my food in front of me.

  “Oh no.” She frowns. “Son, where did you get that bruise on your cheek.”

  Annoyingly, I glance over at Elise who can’t seem to hide her smug grin.