EXPOSED: Kings of Rebellion MC 6 Read online


  Book 6

  KT Fisher

  Torment (Kings of Rebellion MC #5)

  Copyright @2019 KT Fisher

  Cover art @2019 Kellie Fisher

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  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to any actual persons living or dead, businesses and events or locales are entirely coincidental. This book also has some strong scenes that may cause offence. This isn’t your typical romance.

  Chapter One


  The last six months around the clubhouse has been hard. Actually, I’m not going to lie. They’ve been really fucking tough after everything that happened. It’s weird not seeing Franky walking around, or hearing his voice boom from his office but we’re getting through it as a club and a family. We’ve had no choice but to pick ourselves up and stay strong, if anything to Aunt Laura, Franky’s old lady. We’re getting there but we will never forget what happened.

  Baby sighs as we sit together with Ryder. We’re watching everyone go about their own shit. I know Baby still mourns his dad, all of his kids do as well as the whole club.

  “How are you?” I ask Baby.

  He shrugs a little, sipping on his drink. “You sound like Maci.”

  “Well that’s because we both care.” I laugh. “So you gonna answer me?”

  Baby gives me an annoyed look. “I’m ok. Not great, but ok. I’m more worried about Grim.”

  “Yeah.” I nod understandably.

  The thing is, I’m trying to understand the best I can but I obviously don’t know what it feels like to lose a father. Franky was my uncle and it hurts just as bad. Baby, Devlin and Grim have lost their dad. We’re cousins, but I’ve always felt more than that. As if the four of us are brothers. We’ve grown up so closely, but with this, it’s shows the divide. I can only help so much and to be honest, it unsettles me.

  “How is Grim getting on?” Ryder asks the two of us.

  I look to Baby, wanting him to answer. I know Grim found it hard with his dad’s death, I think he was the closest to Franky. Not in a mean way towards Devlin, Drew and Baby but just the simple fact that Grim was VP and had to learn from Franky, what it takes to be President. Grim shut himself away in the office for a few days after his father’s death. Lauren was worried sick. So were we all but with the help from his family, he pulled through. We all helped each other.

  “He’s better, I guess.” Baby answers. “I think it helps that Grim has Connor looking up to him and that Lauren is pregnant, otherwise I dread to think how he’d be right now. We’re all trying to help each other at the minute. It’s weird to think that we’re getting on with our lives without my dad, ya know?”

  Ryder and I nod, sympathising with him.

  “To be fair to Grim, I think he’s doing an amazing job as Prez so far.” Ryder adds.

  “He is.” I nod confidently, proud of my cousin. I always knew he’d be great at the role anyway but seeing how he’s stepped up and took on the role confirms he was born for this.

  He will do Franky proud for sure. No doubt about it and truthfully, Franky would be proud of all his kids if he saw how much they were caring for each other and watching over their mother.

  “Your mum ok?” I ask Baby. Now, Laura understandably took it really bad. Franky and Laura were like everyone’s second parents and it was obvious to see how much they loved and adored each other. Just fucking sucks that Franky was taken away. My own mum has spent a lot of time with Laura, seeing as they’re best friends and trying to help her recover.

  “She’s better, but she’ll never get over it.” Baby nods. “Your mum has really helped her though.” He adds with a small smile. “We’re having a meal at the weekend for her, just the kids and grandkids.”

  “She’ll like that.” I nod, Laura is all about family.

  Talia the club whore then decides to take a walk by, her eyes find me and stay hooked as she walks over. “Hey.”

  “Hi.” I quickly answer, not bothering to look up at her as I stay firmly in my seat. There’s also not enough room for her to sit on my lap, which she would do if she could.

  She trails her finger along my shoulder and up my neck. I just look straight ahead, even ignoring Ryder and Baby as I know they will be loving this. “You wanna meet up later?”

  “Sure.” I answer, taking a sip of my beer. I finally look up, noticing she has her two friends with her. “And bring a friend.”

  The two girls behind her giggle, flashing seductive looks towards me. Talia however, doesn’t look pleased with my added comment. I’m not stupid, I know I’m her favourite biker to fuck around with. Most whores do have a favourite and sometimes, some of the men have their preferred whore. It happens but you can’t let a club bunny think she has you all to herself. It’s just not the way it goes. If they want to be an old lady to someone and be serious about it, they can’t be fucking all the members. Could you imagine the grief the poor guy would get from every man who has fucked their old lady? I wouldn’t want that. The bunnies have chosen their role and have to live with it. Maci did the right thing for her and became a club sister, helping out with the jobs and the children, getting closer to the families and old ladies. No man in here has touched her apart from Baby, and that’s the way I would want it. Regular girls aren’t any better either. They can be just as bad, even worse because they have a habit of getting too close, spinning your world around and fucking you over when it suits them.


  I shouldn’t have let my mind wonder to that place. Of getting close to someone and them ripping your heart out without a second thought because now I’m fucked. For the rest of the day I’ve drank and drank some more. I probably shouldn’t have but I don’t give a fuck and I take another drink of my beer.

  Of course, this is when Talia takes her chance and walks over with a friend, just like I had told her. “You ready?” She asks and without a single word, I stand from my seat. I stumble a little because I haven’t stood up since I began drinking but they still follow me to my room. I hear Talia whispering but I don’t try and listen to what she’s saying. Most likely warning off her friend to not get in the way, but I plan on doing just that. I want to show Talia that I’m not hers.

  I’m not surprised when we get into my room and close the door that Talia is naked within minutes, posing beside my bed and raring to go. Instead, I reach out for her brunette friend and undress her. She grins and lets her hand touch me as she reveals herself to me. When she’s fully naked, I stand back and take a seat on my chair in the corner of the room.

  “Play with each other.” I order, sitting back and getting comfy.

  The two of them look at each other, just a second of doubt crossing their faces but then the brunette walks over to Talia and begins touching her breasts. Talia looks to me, watching my reaction as her friend licks her nipples and lets her hand slip between her thighs, rubbing her fingers along Talia’s pussy. When I get out my cock and begin stroking myself, Talia takes charge and pushes her friend down on the bed. She licks her belly, teasing the brunette before spreading her thighs and licking her pussy. Talia moans loudly, louder than her friend who seems to be enjoying herself very much. Talia is eating her pussy whilst she pinches her own nipples, her head thrown back in pleasure. Talia meanwhile is doing this all for me. For my enjoyment. I work my cock as I watch the two o
f them play. Talia switches it up, scissoring herself between her friends thighs and rubs their pussies together. They moan in sync, rubbing faster and faster and my cock gets harder. I play with myself watching the two of them and as they scream out their release, I order the brunette to get up.

  “Come and suck my cock.” I demand and she skips over happily. As her mouth settles around my tip wetting it and deep throating, I look to Talia. “Lick her pussy.”

  Talia doesn’t look happy, but she does as I request, playing with herself as she does. I just about see her fingers circling her clit as her friend sucks me faster. The image bringing me closer to my own release in the brunette’s mouth. She swallows greedily and looks up at me, biting her lip. “That was fun.”

  Then surprising the fuck out of me, she gets into the sixty nine position on top of Talia and I watch as they bring each other to another orgasm. I let them have their fun but when they’re done, I tell them goodnight and show them the door. Nobody sleeps in here but me.

  Chapter Two


  Some of the boys and I have come into town for our dinner this afternoon. Just to switch it up a little and get out of the clubhouse for a bit. After a couple of hours and with our bellies full, we walk out to our bikes.

  “You need to be careful with Talia.” Ryder warns me and I roll my eyes.

  Zane nods in agreement. “Yeah, she looks to be getting a bit too close bro.”

  “I know what I’m doing, last night I didn’t even touch her and she wasn’t even close to me.”

  “But she still saw your cock and was in your room.” Points out Axel. “That girl wants you all to herself.”

  We reach our motorcycles, the boys still hounding me about Talia even though I’m determined to distance myself from her. They don’t seem that convinced though and just laugh as I insist she’ll get the hint. I’m about to argue my point across some more, when my words fail and I stare into space as a very familiar face pops up amongst the crowds of people walking by.

  It can’t be! I blink to try and get rid of the illusion but she’s still there when I open my eyes. Fuck!

  The last time I saw her, we were on one of our many dates. We rode around on my bike and pulled up at a quiet spot to have a little outdoor fun but when I dropped her off home, I never fucking saw her again. She just vanished. Her dad had no clue, despite the many times I visited and neither did her cousin. It’s been around four years and I thought I’d never see her again, but here she is walking around like she never left.

  I have the urge to go over to her, ask her where the fuck she’s been but I’m frozen. This girl was fucking everything to me, as much as I hate to admit right now. Lucky I didn’t introduce her to the club because I would have gotten a lot of grief from the boys about her disappearing act. I wanted to keep her to myself then and enjoy all my spare time alone with her. She was my first and only love, after her I’ve never trusted anyone with that much power over me.

  “What’s up bro?” Ryder asks me as I continue to watch the girl I once loved walk by.

  I don’t answer him though, and without another thought, I make my move. I follow her through the crowd of people, the urge to be close to her again so strong that I can’t ignore it. Watching her angers me though, I can’t hide that as she fucking hurt me so much when she left without a single fuck or reason.

  “Scrappy!” Yells Ryder but I ignore him again.

  That’s when she turns around from the shouting, she spots me. I know she does because when her blue eyes settle on me, they widen. For a split second, we stand and stare at each other as people walk around us but then she shakes her head, backing away.

  “Erica.” I beg her not to run, but with a sad look on her pretty face, she turns and makes a run for it.

  I follow her, running through the annoyed shoppers but when she runs around a corner and I get caught in the middle of a small crowd, I lose sight of her.

  “Erica!” I shout her name, wishing she would just come to me and fucking talk. I don’t know what I’m hoping for, but after wondering where she went for so long, I think I’m owed some answers.

  There’s no point though, because I have no clue where she’s got to and after looking around for another ten minutes, ignoring the crowds and their judgemental stares, I give in and make my way back to the guys. As I come back round the corner, I see Ryder and Axel coming to find me but they stop once they see me returning.

  “What’s going on?” Axel asks as we head back to Zane and the bikes.

  “I have no fucking clue.” I answer and pull on my helmet, silencing any more questions.

  They stand and stare at me as my motorcycle roars to life, but quickly follow suit when I begin to pull out onto the road and ride back to the clubhouse. They soon catch up but I’m too busy in my thoughts to care. It had to be her, it couldn’t have been anyone but Erica. I’d never forget that beautiful face but instead of looking at her and feeling the love I have for her, I found myself angry and annoyed.

  Where the fuck did she go and why is she back?


  Hiding in the back of a shop, out of breath and worried sick I ignore the odd looks and stay hidden. I can’t believe I saw Scrappy. He still looks as good as ever but I don’t think I can talk with him like it’s the good old days. I just got so scared when I saw him and ran. I didn’t even think about it. It was just a reaction and hiding out now, it was probably the best thing to do. I don’t even know what I’d say to him. I haven’t got a clue about his feelings towards us now, but I know that I’m not ready to go down that road yet. There’s too much to explain and I really don’t think he would understand why I did, what I did.

  I still can’t believe he saw me though. I’m not stupid, I know that there was a chance he would but seeing him again was so hard. Old feelings and emotions have returned and it’s left me in a bit of a mess. It’s shocking how hard I’ve been hit with them.

  After a while hiding out and giving the shop keepers the creeps, I decide to escape my hiding place. I walk over to the windows and Scrappy doesn’t seem to be lurking around anymore. Deciding it’s safe to go back outside, I ever so slowly step out into the fresh air.

  Seeing Scrappy has left me feeling shaken. When I heard those men shouting his name my body felt as though I was covered in ice. It was fucking risky of me coming into town, but I was desperate for some supplies and what do you know, Scrappy spotted me.

  I can’t run into him again, I need to be more careful because I can’t be dealing with these emotions during this difficult time. I’m only back here because my dad has passed and I’m the only family he has to arrange his funeral. When I was younger, my mother passed and I grew up with only my dad and my cousin as family. My cousin is my mother’s nephew, so it was always nice to be around him. I’d feel closer to my mum but my dad never liked it. I thought my parents had a good relationship, but when she died she put money into a trust fund for me and my dad turned extremely bitter towards her memory. It was one of the reasons I left home, not the main reason but my dad did drive me away.

  I run in the opposite direction to not risk running into Scrappy again and hurry back to my cousin’s place. I’ve been staying at his whilst I’m back for my dad’s funeral. I’ve already been longer than what I needed to be.

  As soon as this funeral is over, I’m leaving. I can’t deal with these emotions.

  Chapter Three


  I’m not in the mood to be around everyone today, but tough shit for me because there’s a club BBQ here at the clubhouse. Surrounded by family, friends and kids when I would rather be alone is difficult and it’s all because I saw Erica yesterday. She’s the reason I’m in this fucking mood but that still doesn’t change the way I’m feeling. No matter what, or who I did last night I couldn’t shake her from me and I’m exactly the same now. I just can’t get Erica off my mind!

  I know everyone around me can sense how I’m feeling, even though they have no clue
why. They’re all giving me a wide birth and it’s probably for the best. I wish my sister would be like the rest of them though and stay the fuck away, but of course she’s forever a pain in my side.

  “So, you going to tell me why you’re sulking over here all by yourself?” Elise demands to know.

  Honestly, I do love my sister but sometimes I wish she would leave me alone. Especially times like this. I shrug my shoulders because what can I say? I saw my ex who ran away from me around four years ago and she ran away from me again. I’m not about to say that and make myself sound fucking dumb.

  “Oh Scrappy.” She sighs. “Cheer the fuck up! You’re scaring all the kids, look at Madison. She’s been dying to come and see you but you’ve been scowling into your beer the whole time, she’s wary about coming to say hi to her uncle!”

  Feeling bad, I glace over at my adorable niece, Madison and my mood falters slightly. Her eyes are wide as she stares at me in concern. This little girl is so much like her mother, in her looks and personality. I don’t like the way my niece is looking at me, so painting on a smile I hold out my arms to her and within a second she’s running towards me. Her smile is wide and her giggles are infectious.

  I hold Madison close as Elise continues to watch me carefully. “This all for a woman?”

  I’ve always said my sister had some weird magical power. She always managers to dig out the truth if you let her get close enough.

  “Isn’t mummy nosey today?” I say to Madison and she grins at me, running her little hands through my hair.

  “I remember you were like this a few years ago.” Elise frowns. “You were sulking, just like this and you didn’t get out of it for months! I said back then it was because of a girl and you said no but I never believed you.” She steps closer, fixing Madison’s bow in her blonde hair. “What’s the matter? Have you seen her or got in contact?”