EXPOSED: Kings of Rebellion MC 6 Read online

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  It has proven hard to be around Scrappy’s family though. Knowing that I kept Lewis away from them for so long when it’s clear to see how much they absolutely love and adore him. I definitely made the wrong choice but at the time, I thought I was doing everything right for my unborn child. Scrappy’s parents thought it was best to not let everyone else in on the truth about where Lewis and I have been for the last few years. The ones who matter know what happened, so anyone who doesn’t thinks that Scrappy just decided to keep him away from the club, I think.

  It’s been nice getting to know the old ladies and the girls of the club. The families and the important ones, not the whores. I have no interest in getting to know them. Especially seeing as I have a feeling Scrappy has slept with most of them and I feel a little weirded out by that. All of the girls seem really nice, I even met Lauren who is Grim’s old lady. I didn’t meet her before because she has just had a baby, which means I also got to hold onto him and baby Franky is adorable. The thing that impressed me the most about them was my dad’s funeral was during this last week, and even though they didn’t know him or have only know me for a short while, they were all there for me. They comforted me when I was upset and Drew and Elise even came with me to the funeral. As well as Scrappy of course and his parents. I really appreciated the gesture.

  I think Lewis has really enjoyed being here though. Apart from the very important fact that Scrappy is his idol and he’s obsessed with anything to do with a motorcycle, everything that comes along is a bonus to him. If he had his own way, Lewis would never leave here and I have a very good inkling that Lewis will be following in his dads biker footsteps. Lewis has gotten really close with Grim’s son, Connor and their little friendship is so cute. Elise’s daughter, little Madison likes to follow them around everywhere and get involved and it’s funny to watch.

  I’ve decided that I’ve done enough work for today, I’m a self-employed freelance writer for IT businesses around the world and I do it all from the comfort of my laptop. I’ve been hiding away in Scrappy’s room but have chosen it’s time to branch out and find my son. I left him with Scrappy and as I walk around, I can hear children in the playground area outside. When I poke my head out there, I see Lewis playing with Connor and the rest of the children. Elise, Drew and Maci are sat watching them as they chatter on a bench. I walk outside and Lewis spots me, waving at the top of the slide. I wave back as I take a seat on the bench with the girls.

  “They’re so cute aren’t they?” Drew asks as she watches Lewis and Connor play.

  “They are.” I nod. “I love their little friendship.”

  Elise turns around to face me. “So Erica, we aren’t so bad once you get to know us, are we?”

  “I never said you were.” I laugh along with them. “But no, the clubhouse is less scary now.”

  The three of them smile at me.

  “So what’s going on between you and my brother?” Elise asks.

  “Elise.” Maci warns.

  “What?” Elise giggles innocently. “I was only asking.”

  “No, you were being your annoying match making self.” Drew points in her face.

  That’s when I notice the blonde whore again. She walks past the garden doors, staring out to me. “Who is that?” I ask them and they all turn to see who I’m talking about.

  “The blonde, skinny whore?” Elise asks in disgust. “That’s Talia.”

  Talia then looks back to me and it’s not a friendly look. She’s really starting to piss me off.

  Drew does not like this and kicks off on my behalf. “Ok Talia! If you wanna stay alive then I suggest you don’t look at Scrappy’s baby momma like that again!” Everyone around us turns to see what the shouting is about however, Talia is stood with her eyes wide and scared shitless. She storms off with her whore pals and the girls all laugh.

  “What is her problem?” I ask them.

  “She’s obsessed with Scrappy.” Maci answers. “Honestly, she doesn’t know when to stop.”

  My face scrunches in disgust. “Don’t worry though, he’s not interested in her.” Elise jumps in.

  “Well, he has tried it out a time or two.” Drew laughs, but I don’t know how I feel about hearing that. The girls look awkwardly between Drew laughing and me not laughing. Drew notices the awkwardness and stops. “Ah shit, yeah sorry about that.”

  “It’s fine.” I assure her.

  “You need to make it clear to her that she can’t intimidate you.” Elise suggests. “You can’t let a whore think she’s above you whether you’re with Scrappy or not. You’re his child’s mother, you’re more important than her.”

  “It does sound a little medieval doesn’t it?” Maci smirks. “But it’s a system that works and they wouldn’t do it if they didn’t want to.”

  “Yeah, look at Maci for example.” Drew points out and I’m shocked. I look to Maci in shock.

  “I wasn’t a whore.” Maci holds her hands up in surrender. “I came into the club just like them though, wanting to belong somewhere but I didn’t want to sleep with men in order to feel accepted. So I decided to get a job behind the bar and help out with the families.”

  “She became a sister to the club.” Elise nudges Maci.

  “And fell in love with my brother.” Drew wiggles her eyebrows.

  I then turn to look at the playground and see Lewis giggling crazily. He really loves it here and I’m beginning to as well.


  It has been weird seeing Erica around the clubhouse so much and having her in my space but it hasn’t been horrible. It’s surprisingly nice having her around. Of course it’s a bonus having my son around all the time too. I still can’t believe what Grim had planned for Lewis when we came back from my parents last week. It was an amazing and surprisingly emotional night. Lewis is always on the bike. He and Connor can be menaces on them, riding around the clubhouse and bumping into everything but you can’t stay mad at them when they’re giggling so much they can hardly talk.

  Whenever I’m on a job now, I always look forward to seeing Lewis when I get back home. Erica as well. I keep thinking about what my dad said and wondering if me and Erica are supposed to be together and if I still have feelings for her. I don’t hate her, I know that for sure and I definitely don’t hold any grudges towards her. To be honest, I don’t even really think about it anymore.

  It’s nice to see Erica getting to know the other women in my life too. Seeing as she was so nervous when she first came here. The amount of men I’ve had to warn off and fight though in this past week is ridiculous. Damn Erica for being so hot.

  I hear Erica’s laughter and search her out, finding her sat outside watching Lewis play. I have the perfect view of Erica through the window. I begin to admire her when a hand smooths over my shoulder and I tense. “Well hey there stranger.” Talia whispers into my ear.

  The guys frown at her, returning to their conversation as I shrug Talia away. “Go away Talia.”

  She pouts, walking around me. “But I’m bored.”

  “Go and find something to do then.”

  “I want to do you.” She smirks, suddenly sitting on my knee and that’s the moment Erica walks inside and of course looks right over at me. Elise scowls over but Erica just stares. There’s no emotion on her face what so ever.

  Talia begins to laugh so I push her off me.

  “Oh shit.” Ryder whispers, noticing the situation for the first time.

  Erica lets her mask slip for just a second and her look of disappointment hits me hard. She turns her back to me and walks away, Elise follows her, shaking her head at me.

  Talia steps closer to me again but before she touches me I move out of her way. “Fuck off Talia.”

  I go in search of Erica. I find Elise and I ask her where Erica has gone to. “What does it matter to you?” She sneers.

  “That wasn’t my fault.” I grind out, leaving my sister and telling her to watch my son. I wonder if she has gone to the bedroom so I quickly
make my way there. I pray she’s there when I open the door and as I enter she’s walking out the toilet. She looks surprised to see me.

  “Scrap?” She asks. “What’s the matter?”

  “What Talia did back there, wasn’t supposed to happen.”

  Erica looks away. “Doesn’t really matter to me does it?”

  She goes to walk around me but I reach out and stop her. I don’t want her to walk away. “It does.”

  “Scrappy, we’re not together so what you do isn’t my business.” She smiles.

  “But what if I want it to be your business?” I ask her, my heart beating so fucking fast. I didn’t know how I still felt about her, but watching her react to me being so close to Talia fucking hit me in the gut and made me realise I do still have feelings for her. I want to be with her.

  “Ethan, “Erica begins but then Drew arrives.

  “Erica!” She yells. “You have to come and see the kids.” Drew laughs, and drags Erica away with her. With a pleading look before she goes.

  I’m aware of where she is all the time. I look forward to seeing her after my jobs, to the point where I’m excited. I actually like seeing her sleeping in her bed and crave to get in next to her. I no longer want to be in the bar, I want to be in our room with our son and get into bed. I’m craving moments alone with her, to touch her and reunite with her.

  I know what I want now. I want Erica and I won’t let her escape this time.

  Chapter Ten


  Working for myself is a bonus when you’re a parent but also for situations like the one I’m in. I can still be earning my money from the comfort of my laptop and I’m getting a shit ton of work finished and in result, earning more because working is helping with my boredom. When Scrappy or any of the girls aren’t here, because they have jobs and lives of their own, I’m very much bored and alone. So working helps with that.

  Right now is one of those moments but instead of shutting myself away in the room Lewis and I are sharing with Scrappy, I’m sat on one of the garden benches while Lewis plays on the playground. The clubhouse is quite empty at this hour and including Lewis, there’s only three kids playing outside. I’ve missed working outside, in the fresh air, so this feels good. Better than closing myself in a room for hours on end.

  As much as I’m getting used to living at the clubhouse, I’m really missing my own space. I know that Grim has got people looking into the men who are threatening me, and I’m grateful but I wish this could be sorted so I can go home. I’ll come back to the clubhouse and visit of course because Lewis loves it here so much and I’ve made friendships but I’m very excited to go home. I want to finish decorating and making it a proper home for me and Lewis. I’ve done plenty of online shopping, Scrappy isn’t so pleased though because the boxes are taking up the corner of his room.

  Finishing up my work target for the day, I close my laptop and watch Lewis play for a while. My mind drifts to yesterday and what Scrappy was saying. I haven’t seen him all morning as he was up early for a security job, so I’m a little anxious for when he gets back because I still don’t know what I’m going to say. I was quite relieved when Drew showed up last night and dragged me away to watch Lewis and Connor pretending they were their dads and making fun of them. It was pretty funny.

  When I walked inside the building and saw Talia, the whore who is apparently obsessed with Scrappy, sat on his lap, I was struck by the feelings that I felt. When I ran away from this place, I did love him but I had no faith in us because I didn’t know what we were, but now I have his child and I’ve seen the man he’s become and the father he is becoming. Seeing him with Lewis really warms me and I have a scary feeling that I am actually falling for him. It was a sneaky suspicion, but seeing Talia wrapped around him hurt and I don’t know how I feel about that. Is it such a good idea that Scrappy and I explore that between us again? Or is it best to leave the past in the past and move forward?

  “Daddy!” Yells Lewis as he looks behind me. He jumps down the slide excitedly and into Scrappy’s arms.

  Nerves fill my inside as I turn to look at Scrappy, he’s in all his leathers from the job he’s just come back from. He looks hot as fuck and my heart jumps at the sight of him with Lewis. My phone then makes me jump as it rings in my pocket. I was too into my daydreaming of Scrappy.

  Scrappy looks over at me, watching as I answer my phone. I give him a smile and he sends one back, it’s a sexy kind of smile that makes me feel shaky inside.

  “Erica?” My cousin speaks on the phone. “Are you there?”

  I tear my eyes from Scrappy and focus on the call. “Yeah, sorry. What’s up?”

  “Where are you?” He asks, sounding a little panicked.

  “At the clubhouse.” I explain. “Why?”

  Scrappy begins to walk closer, sensing my worry.

  “I’ve just drove past your new house and the door was open.”

  “What?” I gasp.

  “I went inside and it’s not that bad, but someone’s been in there.”

  “Oh my god!” I cry. “Are you still there?”

  My cousin, Dillan tells me that he’s still at the house I moved into just over a week ago and will stay there until I get there. As soon as I hang up, Scrappy is in my face asking me what has happened.

  “What’s up?”

  “Dillan said my house has been broken in to.” I frown. “Who would do that?”

  Scrappy glares down at the floor, obviously pissed. “Could be those men who were threatening you.”

  “Do you think?” I begin to shake. “Oh my god.”

  “Thank fuck I got you out that house.” He sighs and pulls me up against him, wrapping his arms tightly around me. It’s as if he just wants to feel that I’m here with him. Safe and sound. He then turns around to his cousin who is standing by, wondering what’s gone off. “Devlin, tell Grim what’s happened while I go to the house to check.”

  “Wait here, I’ll come with you.” Devlin gets his phone out and turns around as he calls Grim to update him.

  “I want to come.” I tell Scrappy and he shakes his head.

  “Absolutely not.”

  “Why?” I demand to know. “It’s my house and I want to see what’s happened.”

  “It’s not safe.” He urges.

  “It is if I’m with you.” I try to persuade him. “I need to see Ethan, please.”

  Scrappy stares down at me, torn for what to do but his shoulders sag and he sighs. “Fine, but we leave Lewis here.”

  “That I agree with.”

  Devlin turns around, and updates Scrappy on what Grim just said. “Grim wants to come but can’t, so he’s sending Zane and Cyrus to the house to meet us there.”

  Maci is working behind the bar but has offered to watch Lewis for us while I go along with Scrappy and Devlin to check on my house. I quickly run to the bedroom to put away my laptop and grab a jacket. Which is a good job, because Scrappy decides to take his motorcycle and hands me a spare helmet. He smirks at me when I put it on, helping me straddle the bike. A surge of excitement hits me when he grabs onto the handle bars and revs the engine. I cling onto Scrappy as we race out of the yard, my hair flips around the helmet and despite what we’re driving towards, and I’m having the time of my life.

  People watch from the side of the road and from inside their cars as we drive past them. Some obviously not fans of motorcycles but others seem to appreciate the machinery.

  We get to the road my house is on and I begin to get really scared. I’m picturing the house in a total disastrous state. When we get there, my cousin Dillan is standing outside looking his usual miserable self. I really do care for him but I’ve never known why he always seems so down. He says he’s happy. I just don’t think he’s a jolly person.

  Scrappy helps me off the bike and I ignore Dillan’s judgemental looks.

  “Thanks for calling.” I tell Dillan.

  “You can go now if you want.” Scrappy tells him and I give him a

  “Scrappy, be nice.” I warn him.

  The rumbling of bikes alerts us to Cyrus and Zane’s arrival and Devlin goes to inform them on what’s happening.

  “Thank you for letting me know Dillan.” I flash Scrappy an annoyed look. “But if you want, you can get going, these guys are going to handle it from here.”

  Dillan glances around at the four men dressed in their club leathers and nods. “Alright, but call me later and let me know how you’re doing.”

  “I will.” We say our goodbyes as Cyrus and Zane look through and check the house as I see Dillan to his car. Then I prepare myself for the house.

  Once the Redgrave brothers deem the house safe enough for me to enter, Scrappy guides me inside. The house isn’t too bad, just a little messed up here and there. An over turned chair over there and a ripped cushion over here. Nothing too bad or upsetting and they haven’t touched the upstairs. Although I notice muddy boot tracks in the new carpets which I am not happy about.

  Most of the damage is downstairs, especially the dining room. Someone has decided to leave a message written on the painted white wall. It reads, Your bikers can’t save you in black spray paint. Scrappy glares at the message as he barks orders to the men.

  “I want these bastards found!” He yells. “Dev, tell your brother I need these fuckers bodies lying at my feet in a matter of hours! They won’t live another fucking day!”

  Scrappy then quickly reaches for my hand and guides me outside. He’s not rough but he’s urgent in his movements. Scrappy doesn’t want me in this house. That is clear and seeing that message gave me the creeps. These men know who I am, know where I live and have obviously been watching me. Thinking of that, I look around us as we step back outside. I have the urgent feeling to get back to the clubhouse and be close to Lewis.