EXPOSED: Kings of Rebellion MC 6 Read online

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  I start to feel bad for trying to eavesdrop, so I turn all of my attention to Lewis. “Hey, I have some little friends for you too.” His face spreads into a grin. “They’re my nieces and nephews and they can’t wait to meet you.”

  I tell him all about them and to be fair, I can see him getting along with Grim’s boy, Connor.

  “Can we play?” Lewis asks.

  “Soon bud.” I nod, wiping the bubbles from his face. “Soon.”

  Erica soon re-joins us, holding up a towel and I help her get Lewis from the tub. She wraps him up tightly and carries him into the room they are sharing for the time being. Just a single bed and a pull up bed in a plain, spare bedroom. They don’t deserve this. I watch as Erica helps Lewis into his pyjamas and towel dries his hair, then it’s time for me to take over. It’s story time.

  “Ok buddy, which book will it be?” I ask him and eventually, Lewis settles on a book about a dinosaur called Fred.

  As I get to the end of the book, his eyes get heavier and eventually he falls asleep. It’s the most adorable thing I’ve ever seen. Erica leans in and kisses Lewis goodnight, I copy right after and quietly follow her outside the room.

  “You did great.” Erica whispers, smiling proudly at me and we tip toe down the stairs.

  “Thank you for letting me help tonight.” We walk to the front door and Erica opens it up for me.

  “You don’t need to thank me Scrappy, it was the right thing to do and I meant what I said, anytime you want to see him, just let me know.” I really respect her for sticking with what she told me yesterday because she could have easily changed her mind and fucked off again.

  We say our goodbyes and I don’t bother to stick around because without Lewis, it feels a little awkward. I’m sure Erica feels it too. We part on good terms though, better than yesterday.

  I’m ready to relax with some food as I get back to the clubhouse, but when I spot Baby and Devlin sat at the bar with their eyes on the door I don’t think I’m going to get that.

  “Hey brother.” Devlin smiles over. “Where have you been to?”

  “Just out.” I grin back, taking the empty space next to them.

  “We had an emergency run and wondered where you were, Ryder went instead.” Baby fills me in and I feel bad for not being here. But I did do a job this morning and I’d rather had been with my son. I never knew how important that time is before bed. It makes me never want to miss a moment.

  “Shit.” I sigh, not that I actually feel bad for it. Grim then walks over and I know he’s about to say what the guys just told me. “I know and I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t worry about it.” Grim shrugs. “You were out all morning anyway. Let Ryder do some work.” Grim stands close to me, looking at me seriously and I just know what he’s going to ask me. “What’s going on Scrap?”

  “What you talking about?”

  Grim smirks. “I think you’re forgetting how well we know you, we’re closer than normal cousins. We all know that and we know somethings not right. We’ve heard you were running after a girl, then dropped into a shit mood and now if you’re not on a job you’re nowhere to be seen. You wanna tell me something Scrappy?”

  I avoid their stares and think this through. I didn’t want to tell anyone yet. It’s nice having something of my own for once and I’m only just getting used to this myself. Never mind telling others.

  “We’re a brotherhood Scrap.” Baby reminds me. “No secrets, remember?”

  I sigh heavily, admitting defeat. “Ok,” I look at the three of them and then make sure nobody else is listening in. We’re the only ones at the bar, so we’re good. “So around four years ago, I was with a girl called Erica and this is going to make me sound soft, but I loved her. I fucking loved her a lot and one day she left.”

  “Left?” Asks Baby, all three men look hooked on my story.

  I nod to answer Baby. “Just disappeared, I looked for her the best I could but she was gone, until I saw her in town the other day and I thought I was seeing things.”

  “So you ran after her.” Grim finishes and I nod.

  “She was the girl you saw?” Devlin looks so shocked. “Where had she been?”

  “I still don’t know, but I didn’t know how I felt seeing her after so long. It fucked me up.” I admit, reaching for the beer Neo hands me. “But that’s not it.” I wait for Neo to walk away before continuing. “She has a son.” I take a deep breath as they absorb that. “My son.”

  Their eyes widen. “You have a son?” Grim asks.

  “Lewis.” I nod. “She was pregnant and ran away with my child.”

  Baby shakes his head. “Why is she back now?”

  “Her dad’s funeral.” I answer. “She’s told me she’s staying so I can get to know my son and have a relationship with him.”

  “How very nice of her.” Devlin rolls his eyes and for the first time, I feel bad for Erica.

  “Look, I know what she did was fucked up but I’ve got over that now and truthfully, are you really surprised why she did it?” I ask them. “Think about it, she didn’t know about this lifestyle and she didn’t know how I would react to a baby. I don’t blame her anymore and I don’t want any of you to either.”

  “As long as you’re good, we’re good.” Grim pats me on the shoulder. “So when do I get to meet my nephew?”

  I can’t help but smile. “He knows all about Connor.”

  “We’ll set it up.” Grim nods.

  We continue to talk about it and the guys ask me a million questions about what I’ve been up to for the past couple of days and want to know as much as possible about Erica. I happily answer all of their questions and the more I talk about Lewis and Erica, the more this all feels real.

  “Scrappy’s got himself a baby momma.” Baby laughs. “This shall be interesting.”

  I slap him on the back of the head, laughing at the idiot but I feel happy.

  Chapter Six


  It’s been a week since Scrappy discovered he’s a father and I honestly think it’s been the best week of Lewis’ life and perhaps Scrappy’s. I don’t want to be too cheesy, but the two of them are so perfect together. It does hurt, when I think that I kept them apart for so long and it’s why I’m letting Scrappy have all the access to his son. I don’t want them apart anymore. Lewis adores Scrappy and Scrappy feels just the same. It was love at first sight for the both of them and it warms my heart. It’s getting a little easier to be around Scrappy now, but that’s because we always have Lewis with us. I don’t know how we would be if Lewis wasn’t here. I’d imagine it would be a little odd.

  Scrappy has stepped into the role of being a dad amazingly and I don’t know why I was so worried before. He’s a natural. Scrappy has been to see Lewis every day and I don’t mind one bit. His messages asking to see Lewis make me smile. They’re so cute and I always reply with a yes, because of course he can. I won’t be stopping him anymore. I made that mistake before. Not again.

  Watching them both together is freaking adorable. I can’t seem to take my eyes off them when they’re running around and playing. Lewis’ favourite toys still remain to be the motorcycle. Scrappy’s choice before mine, obviously.

  A few days ago, Scrappy shocked the absolute hell out of me and told me he has a house for me. As you can imagine, I was not expecting that and I couldn’t accept it. Him giving us a house was too much but he insisted that I go and take a look at it. Scrappy explained that the house belonged to the club with their real estate contract and that I wouldn’t need to pay a penny. I was stunned. I still am actually. The house is beautiful. It’s a two bedroomed, new build town house with the perfect garden for Lewis and I can’t believe Scrappy managed to sort this for us. I think Scrappy was more determined to get us out of my cousins so he wouldn’t have to see him again when he visits Lewis. They clearly don’t like each other.

  Yesterday Scrappy helped Lewis and me move our belongings into our new house and I just can’t wait to make
it look like home. He spent the whole day with us and even bought us a take away. It was pizza, one of Lewis’ favourites. Another similarity he shares with his dad. Watching them sat side by side, looking identical was so funny. I sneakily snapped a picture on my phone. I couldn’t help myself. We spoke last night too about telling Lewis that Scrappy is his dad and not just his motorcycle friend, but I want to do it right and get Lewis to understand.

  Right now, my mood has altered drastically from yesterday and I’m hiding in the bathroom because I don’t want Lewis to see me so upset. My father’s funeral is days away and I’ve started to get some weird phone calls. They began last night, waking me as I slept but they’ve continued throughout today and it doesn’t look like they’re going to stop.

  “Mummy?” Lewis calls out for me.

  I jump up, wiping away at my face. “One second honey!” I call back to him through the bathroom door.

  Just then, the unmistakable sound of a motorcycle erupts and the sound of fast feet as Lewis runs to my bedroom to look outside the window no doubt.

  “Motorcycle man!” Lewis yells and my heart begins to beat so fast. I can’t let Scrappy see me in a mess like this. “Mummy, it’s my friend.”

  “Is it?” I ask Lewis, trying to clear up my blotchy red face with water.

  Washing my face doesn’t really do much so before Scrappy can knock, I quickly reach for my makeup brush and dab it on my face. Hoping any excess make up from earlier this morning will rub off onto my face and help me out. I don’t have much time to try and hide the signs of my crying because Scrappy knocks on and continues to knock until I answer. He likes to be annoying like that.

  “Hey.” I smile at him, walking into the living area and knowing he’ll follow inside.

  Lewis runs right up to him and Scrappy picks him up as he closes the front door. When they both join me and sit on the sofa opposite, Scrappy looks at me carefully. “You ok?”

  “Yeah.” I quickly nod, forcing a smile again. “I’m fine.”

  “Lewis, where’s your motorcycle?” Scrappy asks Lewis and with a gasp, Lewis leaves us alone, running upstairs to his new bedroom to find his toy. “Now we’re alone, you gonna tell me why you’ve been crying?”

  “So you can tell?” Scrappy doesn’t crack a smile, instead he continues to stare at me as if he’s looking right into my sole. “Look, I’m fine.”

  “Erica, you’re the mother of my child and if you’re upset, I want to know why.” He continues to frown moodily. “Now tell me what’s wrong.”

  “You’re going to think I’m crazy.” I laugh, running my hands through my hair and Scrappy comes to join me on the sofa I’m sat on.

  “Try me.” I look into his eyes and figure I might as well air out my thoughts.

  Sighing, I look straight ahead so I don’t have to watch his reaction. “For the past couple of days I’ve felt eyes on me and I’ve started to get strange phone calls” Now for the crazy part. “I’m beginning to think that my dad didn’t die of an accident.”

  “You think he was murdered?” Scrappy whispers and I nod, finally turning to look at him and I’m shocked to see he’s not looking at me as if I’m mad, he’s taking my words as the truth. He believes me. “But how?”

  “I don’t know.” I laugh, even though none of this is funny. “I just can’t shake the feeling.”

  Scrappy looks away, the sound of little feet returning announces the arrival of Lewis as he walks back into the room, his motorcycle held high above his head. “Got it.”

  “Scrap?” I look back to see him watching me. “This morning, I answered one of the calls and a man was demanding money.” I hold back the tears that threaten to return. “He was threatening me and when I said I didn’t have it, he said he has other ways in which I can work the debt off.”

  Scrappy looks furious. “Debt?”

  But I shrug because I have no clue what this is all about. “My cousin did tell me he suspected my dad had gotten into gambling?”

  “So you think your dad got himself into gambling debt, he died and now the debt is with you?” Scrappy asks me, no sound of mocking in his voice which I really appreciate.

  “I don’t know.” I begin to cry and run away into the kitchen to grab some kitchen roll and dab at my eyes so I don’t make myself a mess all over again.

  Scrappy follows, watching me trying to get a hold of myself. “Nobody will hurt you.”

  “You can’t be certain of that.”

  “If you come to the clubhouse I can.” Scrappy is dead certain, but I won’t do that.

  “I’m fine here Ethan, honestly.” I assure him, stepping closer and he shocks me when he opens his arms for me and I walk into them. I close my eyes as he comforts me, a few more tears releasing but they’re the last of the lot. I look up at him as he holds me, Scrappy is looking down at me. Our faces so close that it would be so easy to kiss.

  Just then, Lewis runs into the kitchen. His motorcycle toy roaring to life as he runs it along every surface. Scrappy and I break apart and my cheeks burn from the embarrassment of what could have happened just then.

  I almost wish Lewis hadn’t have ran in because I’m wondering how that would have gone down.


  I was sad to leave Erica’s place and stop playing with Lewis, but I had a security run to do. The whole time I was working though I couldn’t stop thinking about what Erica had told me. I could tell she was embarrassed to speak the words out loud, but she believed them and I have to say, I think I do too. There’s some dodgy characters in the gambling word and if you get mixed up with the wrong ones, you could end up dead, just like Erica’s dad.

  Now I’m on my way back to the clubhouse, I can’t stop thinking about what would have happened between me and Erica if Lewis hadn’t have ran into the kitchen and disturbed us. I can’t make my mind up whether it was a good thing he disrupted the moment or not. One thing is for sure though, if Lewis hadn’t have come running in and causing havoc, we would have kissed I think. We were caught up in the moment too much for it not to have happened.

  My feelings towards Erica have changed a lot since her return. I don’t hate her anymore and I think watching her be a great mother to my son has a lot to do with that. I could hold a grudge against her forever and make her life hell, but what’s the point in that? It would only end up effecting Lewis and that’s not what I want.

  I must admit, it is nice to not be sat around drunk and angry like I have been doing lately.

  Getting off from our motorcycles, I walk into the clubhouse with my brothers and I head straight for the food. It smells like its dinner time and I’m in need of some decent food. Once my plate is piled high, I make my way to an empty table and enjoy some peace and quiet. After hours spent in a loud and packed strip club, it’s nice to just sit and unwind. I was there to make sure a business meeting went smoothly, along with some more of my brothers. Some of the men stayed behind and got a little extra payment as a gift from the girls, but I wasn’t in the mood.

  As I’m digging into my food, I spot Baby and Grim walking over. They’re busy talking about something.

  “I’m just not ready yet.” Baby laughs and Grim shakes his head.

  “Nobody ever is.” He laughs and I look at them questionably as they take a seat at my table. “I’ve been asking Baby when he and Maci are having kids.”

  I look over at Baby and see he’s looking slightly pale, laughing I join the teasing. “It’s all the girls every talk about.”

  Baby’s eyes widen. “What?”

  Grim looks back to me. “So how’s things on your end?”

  “Great, I saw him this morning before my job. You’re still keeping this to yourself, yeah?” I made them promise to not tell their old ladies because as soon as they do, my sister will know and then Elise will tell my mum. I want to be the one to tell my mum and I’ll need to do that sooner rather than later if I want to be the one to tell her.

  “Nobody knows but us and Devlin.” Grim assure
s me. “Don’t worry about that.”

  “Erica thinks that her dad was murdered.” I sit back in my seat with a full belly and look at the two men’s shocked expressions. “She’s heard he was into gambling before his death and now she has someone calling her demanding she pay his debt.”

  By the look of Grim’s face, he’s seriously thinking about what I just said and what Erica fears.

  “It’s not such a strange theory.” Grim ponders. “You want me to dig around a bit and see if there’s any truth to it?”

  “That would be great Prez.” I flash him a wink. “Even if it’s to cancel out her thoughts.”

  My phone then vibrates and I dig it out of my pocket to see Erica is calling me. She’s never rang me, so I frown down at my phone, an odd feeling of panic settling over me before I answer.

  “It’s Erica.” I tell the guys before answering.

  “Baby momma drama.” Baby snickers.

  “Erica?” I answer. “You ok? Lewis alright?”

  I hear her crying and my senses go on alert. “Ethan.” She sobs.

  “Erica, what’s the matter?” I demand to know, Baby is no longer joking and he and Grim sense my worry.

  “I’m scared.” She cries. “Men have been to the house, saying what they did on the phone.”

  “Who has been to the house?” I growl, standing from my seat. I need to get to her. Baby and Grim follow me.

  “The men on the phone.” Erica continues to cry. “They said I need to pay my dad’s debt and if I don’t, they’ll make me work in one of their clubs.”

  “Like fuck you will!” I yell. “Lock the doors and I’ll be there in a minute.”

  “Ok.” She whispers, her broken and scared voice rips through me. I don’t like hearing her like that. Completely terrified and upset.