EXPOSED: Kings of Rebellion MC 6 Read online

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  I put my phone away, storming out to my car and getting inside. I’m fucking furious. How dare they fucking scare her and with my young son in the house too! They need to know who they’re messing with.

  “Scrap?” Grim asks from the window of the car.

  “Men have shown up at the house and threatened Erica.” I quickly explain and he signals for Ryder and Baby to join me. I appreciate the back up and thank him, starting the car and quickly making my way to Erica and Lewis.

  The house isn’t too far away from the clubhouse, it’s why I picked that one out of the choice of three. So it doesn’t take long for me to get to them. I jump from the car, the roaring of Ryder and Baby’s bikes can still be heard as they pull up beside me. I don’t wait for them as I walk right into the house, using the key I had cut. I haven’t got time to be messing around with knocking and waiting for Erica to answer. When I walk in Erica practically runs to me, relief plain to see on her pretty face.

  “Scrappy.” She sighs, wiping at her eyes.

  “Where’s Lewis?” I ask.

  “In his bedroom playing, he didn’t see anything.” Erica explains, then looks to the front door as two bikers walk inside.

  “Erica, this is my club brother, Ryder and my cousin, Baby.” I introduce her. “They came with me to check on you.”

  “Thank you.” She offers them a small smile.

  “Has anything happened since you called me?” I ask her and she shakes her head.

  “No, they were just banging on the door and shouting. Luckily Lewis was too busy being loud in his bedroom to hear them. I didn’t open the door either, I’m not stupid but what they were saying wasn’t nice.” Erica frowns. “They said they’ll be back.”

  “I want you to come back to the clubhouse until we figure this out and make sure you’re safe again.” I tell her, not arguments this time.

  “We’ll be fine.” Erica tries to assure me, but I’m not hearing it.

  “Erica, I don’t give a shit what you say. Men have been here to threaten you and my son was in the house, I won’t have you in danger. You think I can go back and leave you here alone?” I shake my head and Erica actually smiles. “Pack your things because you’re coming back to the clubhouse.”

  I won’t be able to leave her here alone and it’s far easier bringing her and Lewis back to the clubhouse rather than me staying here and making sure she is watched over when I’m not. She’s coming with me and I will stand here all night arguing if I have to but it turns out, I don’t.

  Erica heavily sighs but nods. “Ok, I don’t really want to, but you’re right.” Her blue eyes hit mine. “Lewis’ safety comes first, I’ll go and pack some things.”

  She smiles shyly at Ryder and Baby as she walks by them to go upstairs. It doesn’t take long for an excited Lewis to come running down, jumping into my arms and waving at Ryder and Baby.

  “Hey Lewis.” Baby steps closer. “I’m your uncle Kai.”

  “Hi.” Lewis smiles and then I see how stunned Ryder looks and realises he doesn’t know.

  “Ryder, this is my son, Lewis.”

  “Hi.” Lewis smiles. “You a motorcycle man?”

  Ryder gets over his initial shock and grins at Lewis. “Yeah little man, I got a motorcycle. You wanna see?”

  Baby and Ryder keep Lewis busy while I go upstairs and help Erica get her things together. I also send Grim a message to let him know what’s happening and he seems cool with it. I knew he would be anyway.

  Chapter Seven


  As I pack some things for me and Lewis to take with us, I start to become really nervous and panic at the thought of going to the clubhouse. I’ve never been to the clubhouse and I’ve never met anyone connected to the club, apart from Scrappy of course and now those two downstairs, Baby and Ryder I think their names were. When I came upstairs, Lewis was so busy playing he hadn’t heard anything but as soon as I told him Scrappy was here, he ran down stairs and joined them. He loves his new bedroom and has actually asked if it can be made into a motorcycle bedroom. I wasn’t shocked at all and the thought of Lewis now being taken to the clubhouse, surrounded by bikes, makes me smile. He’s going to be in his dream land.

  “How’s it going?” Scrappy steps in and I feel a little shy with him being in my bedroom.

  “As good as it can be.” I rush around, grabbing random pieces of clothing into my bag, careful to not drop any of my bras or underwear because I think I’d be mortified if I did that in front of Scrappy. “I still need to do Lewis a bag though and he will want to take some toys.”

  Deciding that I’ve packed enough for now, I move into Lewis’ room and go about packing his little things.

  “How do you feel about coming to the clubhouse?” He asks me and I pause with what I’m doing.

  “I’m not going to lie, I’m really scared.” I laugh out of nerves and Scrappy nods.

  “I thought you might be.” He smirks. “But it’s the best option while all this is happening. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I left here and then something happened to you or Lewis.”

  “I get it.” I zip up Lewis’ bag of clothes and run around, grabbing some toys I think Lewis will miss too much. “But it still doesn’t change how nervous I am.”

  “You’ve got nothing to worry about.” Scrappy takes the bags from me. “But I’m glad you’re not fighting me on this.”

  “As long as Lewis is safe, that’s all I care about.”

  Scrappy nods. “Me too.”

  We have a joint understand when it comes to Lewis and it’s helping us get along. Scrappy helps me with my bags as we walk down the stairs and place the bags into the boot of Scrappy’s car. Lewis is marvelling at the men’s bikes, circling them with his mouth hanging open.

  “No doubt this kid is yours Scrap.” The one called Ryder shouts.

  “Yeah, just make sure to keep it your secret because I haven’t’ told my mum yet.” Scrappy warns and the man salutes his understanding.

  Scrappy picks up Lewis and puts him into the car, I get in after and I can’t help but smile as Lewis enjoys every minute of the car ride to the clubhouse, having the two men on their bikes following us.

  “Here we are.” Scrappy announces as we reach the clubhouse’s secured gates.

  The nerves swarming around in my stomach double and I look around with wide eyes and take it all in for the first time. There’s so many men walking around the grounds and sat closer to the building.

  “Woah!” Lewis gasps at the number of motorcycles that he can see.

  “He’s going to love it here.” I shake my head, laughing at the amazed look on his little face.

  A small gathering of men huddle up near the building that is the clubhouse, watching our car come closer. Some men are fixing up their bikes on the other end of the courtyard and the rest are just walking from here and there. This place is so busy.

  “Here comes Prez.” Scrappy announces and I turn to see an attractive, tall tattooed man approaching the car. Men move out of the way for him and he carries himself with an air of importance. If Scrappy hadn’t have already told me, I would have guessed this guy is the MC President. That and the fact that when I get out of the car, and the man is close enough to me, I see the patch on his leather vest that reads, PRESIDENT.

  Scrappy has grabbed Lewis from the car, carrying him over to my side where the President stops in front of me with a kind smile.

  “Erica,” Scrappy holds his arm out for me and when I step closer, he wraps it around me. Making me feel warm and safe. “This is my cousin / brother Grim the President of the club.”

  “Hi.” I offer him a little wave and a smile seeing as I’m captured inside Scrappy’s hold.

  Grim holds out his hand to me and I shake it. “Nice to meet you finally Erica,” his eyes travel to Lewis who is settled in Scrappy’s other arm. “And you little Lewis. I’ve been told how much you like motorcycles so tomorrow, I have a special treat for you.” Grim winks at Lewis and i
n return, Lewis’ eyes widen in excitement.

  This guy is the President and seems really nice, so it helps to put me at ease and I begin to relax a little.

  “How are you feeling Erica, I understand you were upset.” Grim looks to me with genuine concern.

  “I’m ok now, thank you.” I smile. “I hope you don’t mind that we’re here?”

  “No, of course not.” Grim shakes his head with a smirk. “You’re Scrappy’s family, so that means you’re my family and here, we take care of family.”

  I look around at the clubhouse and the people outside who are now all watching. “Well, thank you so much.”

  Grim leads us inside, a couple of young lads run around the back of the car and collect our bags, following behind us as we enter the clubhouse.

  “I must admit, I was very nervous coming here.” I giggle and Grim laughs.

  “That’s understandable.” He holds the door open for me and I walk inside. The welcoming sounds of children playing and music playing invites me further inside. This place is huge! Room varying off to my left and right, in front of me and outside. “I’ve had my sister make up a room for you.”

  Scrappy turns to Grim, not looking very happy. “They’re staying with me.”

  Grim’s eyes widen. “I didn’t know Scrap, I’ll get Elise and Drew on it.”

  I watch as Grim wonders off and I look back to Scrappy. “I think I’ll be ok with my own room.”

  “You will be.” Scrappy nods. “But I want you with me.”

  With that, he walks off taking Lewis with him and the two men with my bags following. I don’t want to stand here like an idiot, so I follow as well. How the hell am I going to share a room with Scrappy? I’m not getting in the same bed as him!

  I follow Scrappy down a hall and then I hear a girl’s voice, loud and annoyed. “Oh he does, does he? Well he can come and do it himself.”

  “I’m here!” Yells Scrappy and we then see Grim standing with two girls, both of them gorgeous but both of them look at Scrappy in annoyance. “My room is big enough for you to move another double bed in there and push it up against the opposite wall.”

  “By all means, you can do that.” The blonde girls rolls her eyes, “But I’m not.”

  The two men who were carrying my bags then get to work and help Grim and Scrappy move beds around, all because Scrappy doesn’t want Lewis and me in a separate bedroom. I’m not really bothered, just as long as I’m not in the same bed as Scrappy.

  One of the two girls then walks over to me. She’s very beautiful, has long dark hair and quite a few tattoos. She looks like what I would imagine a biker pin up girl to look like and I’m immediately envious of her.

  “Hi.” She flashes a big grin. “I hope Scrappy isn’t being too much of a pain, these men just love being all alpha went it comes to their women, just ignore them. It’s what I always do.”

  “Oh, I’m not Scrappy’s woman.” I add shyly.

  The girl gives me a once over and smirks as if she doesn’t believe what I just said. “I’m Drew.” She grins wide again. “Shall we go and get a drink and let the men get on with the boring stuff?” She turns and holds out her arm for me to hold on to. Drew looks back and yells for the blonde to join us. “Elise! Come on.”

  Drew leads us to a table and I take a seat, Lewis jumps onto my lap, shyly taking in his new surroundings. Drew yells for the prospect to come over and the two girls sit opposite me. The blonde, named Elise looks at Lewis and her eyes widen. She looks up at me and then back to Lewis. The prospect brings us come glasses of lemonade and an orange juice for Lewis. All while Elise continues to stare at my son.

  “Oh my god.” She whispers. “He looks just like Scrappy.”

  I’m about to answer her, when Scrappy arrives behind her, placing his hand on Elise’s shoulder. “That’s because he’s my son.”

  Elise spins in shock and looks up at Scrappy, her mouth hanging open in total surprise. Drew is also stunned into silence as she stares, wide eyed at Lewis. Elise looks back to my son and then back to Scrappy. “What?”

  I begin to feel a little awkward but Lewis doesn’t have a clue. He’s too busy playing with the motorcycle toy in his hand as he sips on his orange juice to notice anything.

  Scrappy comes to stand next to me and speaks to the two women. “Girls, this is Erica. She’s the mother of my child, Lewis.” At the mention of his name, Lewis looks up to Scrappy and indicates he wants him to hold him instead of me. The girls watch as Scrappy holds his son and Lewis beams with happiness.

  “I can’t believe it.” Elise shakes her head looking completely bewildered.

  “Erica,” Scrappy smiles down at me. “Elise is my sister and Drew is my cousin.”

  Elise is Scrappy’s sister? It makes sense, she’s gorgeous and the longer I look at her, I see the similarities between the two of them. Elise then looks at Scrappy with a sneaky type of smirk before looking to me and smiling sweetly. “Lovely to meet you Erica.”

  “And you.” I smile back.

  Drew scoots her chair closer to mine and wraps an arm around me. “Welcome to the family!”

  “Thank you.” I laugh.

  A little girl then wonders over, blonde curls framing her adorable blue eyed face. It’s no surprise she walks straight to Elise, she’s practically the mini version of her. Elise scoops her up onto her lap. She looks a little younger than Lewis. “This is my daughter, Madison.” Elise introduces her and Madison smiles the most adorable chubby cheeked grin.

  “Hey baby girl.” Scrappy ruffles her hair and Madison giggles. “You want to meet my new friend?”

  Lewis and Madison look at each other, Lewis offers her a little wave and Madison grins. Instant friends.

  “That little boy is called Lewis.” Elise whispers in her ear. “He’s your cousin.”

  Madison waves up at Lewis in Scrappy’s arms and Scrappy puts him down. The two of them start to play and Madison sweetly shows Lewis around. Scrappy follows the kids and leaves me alone with Elise and Drew. I suddenly feel very self-conscious and I don’t know what to say. Luckily for me, Elise has that covered.

  “So tell me, do you happen to be the girl Scrappy has been sulking about for the past week or so?” She smirks in a way that tells me, she already knows the answer but is just asking for her own clarification.

  “I don’t know.” I laugh shyly. “I did move away and two weeks ago I came back to arrange my dad’s funeral.”

  Both Drew’s and Elise’s smiles drop and Drew leans closer. “I’m so sorry, I lost my dad over six months ago now.”

  “I’m sorry.” I quickly add, feeling crap for bringing it up.

  “It’s fine.” Drew assures me with a smile.

  “I can’t believe Scrappy has a child.” Elise shakes her head. “Why has he kept it quiet?”

  Now I feel really awkward. “Erm, well that would be my fault.” I fidget nervously. “We were together, about four years ago and I loved him but dealing with my dad was hard, and when I found out I was pregnant I didn’t know what to do. Now, I know that I should have told Scrappy, but back then I decided running away was the best answer. That’s why he didn’t say anything, because he didn’t even know about Lewis. I kept his child from him and I’ll feel guilty for it for the rest of my life.”

  I look down at my hands, trying not to cry when Drew cuddles up to me. “Don’t beat yourself up honey, we’ve all done shit we’re not proud of but there’s no need to be so down. Scrappy knows now, and he seems ok.” We all look around to see Scrappy playing with Lewis and Madison, both kids laughing and having a great time. “Try not to feel too bad.”

  “This life is hard to adjust to if you’re not born into it.” Elise adds. “I can sympathise with what you did, but Drew is right, stop beating yourself up.” Elise then breaks into a massive, cheesy smile. “Besides, now I know what’s been bothering Scrappy lately and it’s been driving me crazy trying to figure it out. You do know he still likes you, don’t you?”

/>   I feel trapped and my heart picks up speed. “No he doesn’t.”

  Elise leans in closer. “I know about these things, and I know my brother. He still likes you, probably still loves you and you have a child together.” Elise looks at me carefully. “I think you like him too.”

  My cheeks burn and Drew laughs. “Leave her alone Elise, she’s only just got here and you’re already digging your matchmaker nails into her.” Drew rolls her eyes. “You’ll get used to that, it can get annoying but you learn to live with it.”

  “Oh shut up you love me.” Elise snaps playfully.

  “Of course I do.” Drew winks.

  These girls are crazy, but they’ve welcomed me so warmly and lifted a huge troubled weight off my shoulders. I have a feeling my stay here won’t be as bad as I thought it might have been.

  Chapter Eight


  I feel bad that my parents don’t know anything about Lewis. Especially now because Erica and Lewis are staying at the clubhouse and more people are starting to learn about them. I didn’t want anyone knowing before my mum and dad, but after I told Grim, Baby and Devlin now Elise and Drew know. Elise is bound to tell my mum, so I need to get there first. They have a grandson and have no clue and it’s starting to make me feel like shit. I called my mum this morning and arranged to go over later for some food. I’ll be bringing Erica and Lewis with me so I hope everything goes smoothly. I also need to tell Erica what I plan on doing today. I’m sure she’ll be up for it, she’ll be nervous no doubt but she will agree this has to be done.

  I pause before I enter my room because Erica is in there and I don’t know if she’ll be getting ready. I knock and Erica opens up, giving me a confused look. “What are you knocking for?” She giggles.

  “I didn’t know if you were undressed or not.” I shrug, walking into my room. Lewis is playing on the new double bed I had the prospects put in here, him and Erica shared it last night and I slept in my bed across the room. It’s a good thing my room is one of the biggest. It was weird going to sleep with Erica on the other side of the room but even weirder waking up and seeing her fast asleep. Looking at her and Lewis cuddled up together, looking peaceful and happy, I wanted to get in and join them. Instead I got ready and stopped staring like a freak.